Ceramic AM and Beyond: The Potential of Hybrid Construction Systems
J. Carvalho; B. Figueiredo; P.J.S. Cruz (2024). “Ceramic AM and Beyond: The Potential of Hybrid Construction Systems” in 3D Printing for Construction in the Transformation of the Building Industry. Rangel, B., Guimarães, A.S., & Teixeira, J. (Eds.). CRC Press. doi: 10.1201/9781003403890
FURNISH : new methodologies to intervene in public space
B. Figueiredo; M. Estrada; J.L. Alapont Ramón; J.Cremades; P.J.S. Cruz; A.Fontes; C. Maia; M. Labastida; I. Oliveira (2023). “AEIOU” in FURNISH: New methodologies to intervene in public space. Aquilué Junyent, I., et al., 51-63. Barcelona, Spain: CARNET Future Mobility Research Hub.doi:10.5821/ebook-9788419184764
Experimentation of natural materials: The use of chitin in additive manufacturing
T. Campos; P.J.S. Cruz; Bruno Figueiredo (2022). “Experimentation of Natural Materials: The use of Chitin in Additive Manufacturing” in Structures and Architecture – A Viable Urban Perspective? Hvejsel, M.F. & Cruz, P.J.S. (eds.). doi: 10.1201/9781003023555